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Our home-raised Hamburger bundles are made from the highest quality beef that is raised on our family farm. Our cows are grass-raised and allowed to graze in open pastures, resulting in leaner and healthier meat. To ensure a delicious and juicy taste, our cows are also grain-finished, which adds just the right amount of tenderness and flavor to each burger. We take pride in our home-raised beef and process only the healthiest cows to create our mouth-watering hamburger at a USDA facility.

We try to process 1-2 beef each year to offer 1/4 beef worth of high quality hamburger. The bundles include approx. 100 lbs of burger for your family to enjoy, most burger is usually around that 85/15 fat ratio.

Processed at M3 Meats in Sidney MT

Home-Raised Hamburger Bundle

SKU: hamburger
1 Pound
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